Lazy Days of Break

Today is my very last day of break. Roy and I are going to do it up right and make a "day" of it - shopping in Fort Worth, dining out at a restaurant we don't normally visit, and painting the town red. Okay - maybe we're not really painting the town red...but you know what I mean. Of course, thrown in the midst of our playing will be a hefty dose of regular: I haven't done any laundry since before our Portland trip so there's that . Also I intend to clean the house which will include mopping the floors (which I only do monthly so it's quite a chore when Mopping Day rolls around). I will spare you the rest of my "chores" list as it's all just about as mundane as mopping, but suffice it to say, today will be busy. Good! - but busy. Time off always reminds me that I love my job. Now don't get me wrong - I'm already counting the days until my next mini-break (which will be in just over a week when Darian flies in for an overnight visit...